Tuesday, August 14, 2012

GABA Oolong

Gamma-aminobutyric acid  (GABA) is the main inhibitory neurotransmitter in the nervous system.  It is a chemical messenger that alleviates the over activity of neurons in human brains.   

About 25 years ago, Japanese scientists discovered GABA tea in their attempt to preserve different types of food.  They uncovered that tea leaves exposed to nitrogen had high levels of natural GABA.   Some of the touted benefits of GABA tea include reducing anxiety, aiding sleep, and lowering blood pressure.

GABA Oolong is produced by replacing oxygen with nitrogen gas during its oxidation manufacturing phase.    

GABA Oolong
Type:  Oolong     Producing Country: Taiwan      Preparation:  90°C 4 Min

Dry Leaf:  They are tightly rolled beads.  They give off scents of mushrooms, wood, cooked fruits and roast pumpkins.
Wet Leaf:  The brown leaves are very large and carry a burnt sugar note.   
Liquor:      The tea is cloudy.  It is sweet, smooth and unique.  It does not have the typical flavors of a Taiwan Oolong. 

Tee Score: 3 out of 5