Sunday, November 25, 2012

Lapsang Souchong

Blue cheese, Scotch whiskey and Lapsang Souchong:  Love it or Leave it.   Rumor has it that Sir Winston Churchill was fond of Lapsang Souchong with a splash of Scotch.

Zhengshang Souchong, Lapsang Souchong or Bohea tea is a unique Chinese black tea. Fires fueled by pine wood and needles are used to dry the leaves and impart a smoky scent to the tea.  It is produced from Souchong or 'small varietal' tea trees in Wu Yi mountain, Fujian, China.   In recent years, Taiwan also produces its own Lapsang Souchong.

Lapsang Souchong pairs well with savory dishes.  It can also be used to flavor cooking.

Lapsang Souchong

Type:  Black     Producing Country:  China   Preparation:  95°C 4 Minutes

Dry Leaf:  A distinct smoky scent permeates the air.   The dried leaves are very dark or black.    
Wet Leaf:  The wet leaves take you back to your camping trips.  
Liquor:      It is a reddish brown tea that is smooth, pine-smoky, slight tarry and camphorish.   There is also a little bit of dried longan fruit after-taste.

Tee Score:  4 out of 5