Saturday, November 10, 2012

Yue Guan Bai

Renzhi Zhou, a Taiwanese tea trailblazer, created Yue Guan Bai or Moonlight White in the early 1990's.  The tea might originally have been withered at night under the moon, nowadays it is simply air-dried indoor.  Its name is also associated with the black and white leaves.  Mr. Zhou once brewed and served a blend of coffee and Moonlight White at a 'Tea Priest and Coffee Monk' culture exchange roundtable. Yum?

Moonlight White is produced from the old Big White tea varietals in Yunnan, China.  Some tea enthusiasts categorize Moonlight as a Pu'er tea but some would declare it in a class by itself.  Moonlight is processed and tastes like a white tea.   Moonlight can stand up to multiple steeps using a Gaiwan teacup.  

Moonlight White

Type:  White     Producing Country:  China    Preparation:  90°C 3 Minutes

Dry Leaf:  The silver buds and dark leaves have intense notes of plums, dates and figs.  The leaves are attractive.   
Wet Leaf:  The wet leaves are peachy and also smell like hay.  
Liquor:      Its color is caramel,  Its flavor profile is creamy, peachy and lightly herbaceous.  It is smooth and has a sweet aftertaste. 

Tee Score:  4 out of 5