Monday, November 5, 2012

Rwanda Rukeri Black

Rukeri is an orange pekoe (OP) grade black tea produced by Rukeri Estate in Rwanda.  Tea growing in Rwanda started about 60 years ago and tea production there steadily increases over the years.   A large percentage of Rwandan teas is exported.   This tea, in terms of flavors, is a bit like the black teas from Uva, Sri Lanka. 

Rwanda Black

Type:  Black Tea    Producing Country: Rwanda     Preparation:  95°C 4 Min

Dry Leaf:  These dark, tiny thin needles are malty as well as dried-fruity.
Wet Leaf:  Interestingly, flowers wrapped in a wet cloth describes its aromas.
Liquor:      The tea is reddish brown.  It is more minty than malty.  It is full-bodied and has some astringency.   It is best drunk without adding milk. 

Tee Score: 3 out of 5