Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Soba Cha

Nothing beats a cup of soba cha when a summer storm turns a backyard into a winter wonderland.
September 10, 2014

Soba cha or roasted buckwheat infusion is popular in Japan and Korea.   Made from roasted tartary buckwheat kernels, soba cha is caffeine-free.  Tartary buckwheat and common buckwheat belong to the genus fagopyrum and are not related to 'wheat'. Tartary buckwheat kernels are smaller than common buckwheat's but contain more or chock-full of rutin.

Roasted tartary buckwheat

Roasted tartary buckwheat can be enjoyed like Grape-Nuts cereal and is delicious.  Its fine aroma borders between popcorn and donut.   To make an eight-ounce cup of bright yellow soba cha, steep about 2 teaspoons of kernels in 100°C water for 5 minutes.  The soft brewed kernels can be consumed like brown rice.   

Soba cha is warming and comforting.   Its predominant flavor is toasty grains or nutty rice.  

Soba Cha