Sunday, December 27, 2015

Japanese White Tea

A few Japanese tea farmers have begun venturing into limited white tea production.  This Kanayamidori white tea is from Gokase, Nishiusuki district of Miyazaki Perfecture in Kyushu.   Kanayamidori is a Japanese tea cultivar resulted from the hybridization of Yabukita, the most popular tea cultivar in Japan, and Zairai.

The leaves of Kanayamidori are smaller than those of Yabukita but they can produce a sencha with body and aroma.  As for this white tea from the said cultivar, it is quite impressive.   The tea contains no buds but healthy young-looking whole leaves plucked by hand.   Mellow and sweet are the words to describe this Japanese white tea.

Kanayamidori white tea

Type:  White    Producing Country: Japan     Preparation:  85°C 4 Min

Dry Leaf:  The leaves are dark green or brown with some oxidation.  Their scent is fresh and mildly spicy like cinnamon and anise.
Wet Leaf:  The tender wet leaves smell similar to wet hay and green beans.   Spiciness is also present.
Liquor:   The tea is orange yellow.  It is mild, light and sweet.  In addition, it is herbaceous or spicy (cinnamon, clove and chrysanthemum flower).

Tee Score: 4 of 5