A balanced Yuan Yang cup of tea, optimally, would have 30% freshly brewed coffee and 70% just made Ceylon black tea with copious amounts of evaporated milk and sugar. However, it is not sacrilegious to adjust the proportion of tea, coffee, milk and sweetener according to individual tastes.
A convenient way to enjoy a semi-authentic cup of Yuan Yang is to use a tea bag. This brand of tea packets states that premium coffee and Ceylon black tea are in each bag, but does not indicate their ratio. The bags have a strong coffee aroma.
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After brewing the bag in a mug of hot water for five minutes, the concoction looks very dark and its dominate aroma is roasted coffee.
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The Yuan Yang tea takes cream and sugar well. It is strong but smooth. The experience of drinking Yuan Yang is supposed to be about inhaling coffee aroma in the nose, tasting tea flavors in the mouth and detecting coffee essence in the throat. For sure, it perks up your day.
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