Sunday, January 18, 2015

Coffee Leaf Infusion

Coffee beans are made from the seeds of Coffea plants.  These plants' fruits or cherries, and dried leaves can also be used to brew beverages that taste nothing like coffee.

Except in places like Ethiopia and Sudan, coffee leaf infusion has never become popular or mainstream.  Some health food stores in North America do carry dried coffee leaves for those who use them.

Recently, a startup (Wize Monkey) in Vancouver, BC, has begun to market its Coffee Leaf tea (technically it is not a tea) in bag form. The arabica leaves are sourced from and processed in a Nicaragua coffee plantation.  

Each bag is brewed like tea, about 3-4 minutes at 95°C.
Coffee Leaf Tea bag

The infusion is rich red brown in color.  It is smooth, sweet and ever so slightly herbaceous.   It is pleasant but a bit generic.
Coffee Leaf infusion

A flavored version of Coffee Leaf seems to bring out more sweetness; however, it has a slightly bitter artificial aftertaste.
Mango Coffee Leaf

Why coffee leaves?  Some researchers claim that a cup of coffee leaves has higher antioxidants but lower caffeine than a cup of tea does.