Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Kenya Purple Tea

Purple tea is a new camellia sinensis variety that Kenya's Tea Research Foundation has been developing for the last 25 years.  This variety is more drought-resistant and has purple leaves due to its high levels of anthocyanins (e.g., malvidin) or antioxidant pigments.

This purple tea is handcrafted in Kenya and marketed by a relatively new tea merchant, Royal Tea of Kenya.  Whether their fresh leaves are purple, pink, yellow polka-dotted or not, teas are categorized by their manufacturing processes.  This is a fully oxidized tea; i.e., a black tea.  Its dry leaves are richly aromatic and the color of its wet leaves does reveal eggplant purple.  The brew is sweet and smooth but not purple.

Kenya Purple

Type:  Black    Producing Country: Kenya     Preparation:  95°C 4 Min

Dry Leaf:  Their dark wiry leaves are richly fruity - figs and raisins with hints of cocoa and licorice.
Wet Leaf:  Some of the whole leaves are dark brown and some purple.  They are sweet and fruity.
Liquor:      The tea is rusty brown.  Some may say its purple hue fades.  With a medium body and light astringency,  the molasses and fruitiness shine through.

Tee Score: 4 out of 5